
Action Plan for Seniors: Ontario’s LTC Innovation Investment

By |2021-07-27T11:29:03-04:00June 28th, 2021|Healthcare|

The province of Ontario is leaning in to investments and innovations with the new seniors’ strategy, Aging with Confidence: Ontario’s Action Plan for Seniors, which addresses many priorities of seniors and their families.   The government’s plan includes thousands of new long-term care (LTC) beds, expanded staffing and information technology. Promoting innovation in LTC Long-term care homes across the

Cyber Security Breaches in Healthcare

By |2021-07-27T11:29:03-04:00June 28th, 2021|Healthcare, Security|

No doubt about it, cyber security breaches are a major concern for everyone, even major websites. Recently a massive denial-of-service (DoS) attack shut down major websites across the internet, including Twitter and Spotify, a streaming music service. The Healthcare industry, in particular, is especially vulnerable to cyber attacks. The Ponemon Institute’s latest study, The Sixth Annual Benchmark Study

Why Managed Compliance is Important for LTC and Retirement Homes

By |2021-07-27T11:29:03-04:00June 28th, 2021|Healthcare, Security|

Do you worry about your Long-Term Care or Retirement home being audited? Do you know if your patient data is secure? What would happen to if your patient data was compromised? Are you unsure of your regulatory compliance with CARP and PIPEDA (“Personal Information Protections and Electronic Documents Act”? Be sure your client or patient data is protected and

Can a High-Tech LTC Home or Retirement Residence be Trouble Free?

By |2021-07-27T11:29:03-04:00June 28th, 2021|Healthcare|

Does your Long-Term Care Home or Retirement Residence suffer from the following technical troubles? Aging hardware Slow computers or network links No backup and limited security for data Inadequate Wireless coverage Staff that need more training and support What if those problems could disappear, and you never had to worry about your information technology again…on

IT Funding for Long-Term Care Homes in Ontario

By |2021-07-27T11:29:03-04:00June 28th, 2021|Healthcare, IT Budget|

The Government of Ontario’s guidelines for Long-Term Care invoices can be confusing. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care insists on specific procedures to claim and capture funding, so it’s important to understand how to properly invoice expenditures for your Long-Term Care Home’s Information Technology services. If done right, funding can be obtained to support your IT

Health Care: IT Measures for Patient Safety

By |2021-07-27T11:29:04-04:00June 28th, 2021|Healthcare|

As Ontario’s population ages, our health and long-term care industries must keep up with technological advancements. If they were once overburdened by slow and expensive innovation, that’s certainly not the case anymore.  In fact, innovations in information technology today allow healthcare practitioners fast, affordable, and efficient patient care. So, which IT measures and technologies should long-term care providers put

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