Tips & Tricks

Are Your Company’s Critical Assets Protected?

By |2021-10-12T13:56:29-04:00October 12th, 2021|Cloud, Security, Tips & Tricks|

Do you want to sleep well at night knowing that your company’s critical assets are protected? For the past year, WW Works has been using Covalence. Covalence was established by FieldEffect, an Ottawa-based company, for threat monitoring, detection, and response. We have put our entire trust in the Covalence system for the protection of WW

Cybersecurity Month Series – Part 1

By |2021-10-15T11:40:45-04:00October 7th, 2021|Cloud, Security, Tips & Tricks|

October is Cybersecurity Month here at WW Works. Cyber Security Awareness Month is an internationally recognized campaign held each October. With all of the changes of the last year and half, we are using our devices and computers more than ever. Whether we are working and conducting business, or spending time online with our friends

Cloud Migration Checklist

By |2021-08-24T10:27:24-04:00August 24th, 2021|Cloud, Tips & Tricks|

If you want to make the most of the cloud’s strong security, scalability, uptime, and quick data recovery, your company should have a cloud migration checklist in place to future-proof your business. Here are 10 steps you need to follow: By following the 10 steps on this Cloud Migration Checklist, your business will be empowered

Benefits of Cloud Collaboration

By |2021-08-20T12:51:19-04:00August 20th, 2021|Cloud, Tips & Tricks|

Collaboration is crucial for every part of your small business.  The COVID-19 pandemic, and the ensuing scramble to find remote working options, has called attention to the benefits of the cloud for business continuity and seamless online collaboration. That attention swiftly turned to adoption as the continued global health crisis highlighted the value and flexibility

WorkShop Webinar 1 – How to Run an Effective Meeting in Teams

By |2021-07-27T11:29:03-04:00June 28th, 2021|Cloud, Services, Tips & Tricks|

Meetings are a critical part of ensuring the success for your business. You can host a meeting within Microsoft Teams which will keep all employees, clients and key stakeholders informed and engaged on service delivery, projects and work activities – especially in our Co-Vid world. In this important Webinar session, we focused on the end-to-end process and use of

Get Creative and Change your Common Passwords

By |2021-07-27T11:29:03-04:00June 28th, 2021|Security, Tips & Tricks|

Here’s a reminder to do something you probably haven’t done in a while…change your common passwords.  And, while you’re at it, choose new passwords that are not so common. Some of the most commonly-used passwords, according to the security group SplashData, are “password”, “qwerty”, “12345” and “welcome”.  Predictably, they are all terribly easy to guess. You can see

6 Tips To Keep Your Android Smartphone Battery Alive

By |2021-07-27T11:29:20-04:00June 28th, 2021|Tips & Tricks|

Does charging your Android smartphone battery 5 times a day drive you nuts?    Smartphone batteries are a daily source of angst for many people, as getting through a busy day on a full charge seems like somewhat of an impossible dream at times. In reality, smartphone batteries have come a long way since the

Wi-Fi Router: Gateway For Hackers?

By |2021-07-27T11:29:20-04:00June 28th, 2021|Tips & Tricks|

If you keep up on the latest news, you’ve likely noticed a multitude of hacks occurring throughout the past few months. Is your WiFi router vulnerable? A common way for cyber criminals to steal and disclose confidential information is through hacking the wireless network. That’s why I’ve searched for the perfect way to help home computer

How To Seek Out And Destroy Bloatware

By |2021-07-27T11:29:20-04:00June 28th, 2021|Tips & Tricks|

Bloatware lurks in your new PC – how to find and destroy. When you buy a new PC with Windows, you do so knowing that there’s a bunch of software that’s already been loaded into it. Much of it is okay because you’re going to use it for personal projects, games and for work. But,

Ransomware Disguised as Windows 10 Update

By |2021-07-27T11:29:20-04:00June 28th, 2021|Tips & Tricks|

It’s common knowledge that cyber criminals work quickly; they pay close attention yo the IT world and hunt for vulnerabilities to prey on, or new software to use as a disguise for their attacks. With the release of Microsoft’s Windows 10, malware developers and other scam artists were quick to use it to their advantage.

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