Security Awareness Training Knowledge Centre

  • The world of cybersecurity is complex and unfamiliar to most of us. If a breach was to occur in your company, or if one of your partners has been breached and your data has been impacted, you may not have any idea what to do first. The first thing you need to know is that time is of the essence – you must act quickly to restore your system and protect your data. It is our recommendation that you speak to an expert, someone who knows the laws and the protocol for dealing with a cyberattack.
  • We have a list of experienced cybersecurity lawyers that have helped hundreds of companies get through the confusion, fear and uncertainty of a data breach. Email me at and we’ll provide access to a lawyer that best suits your situation.
  • The cyber insurance market is growing and changing every week. While the cyber treats continue to grow in number, complexity and success the cyber insurance companies are looking for ways to provide the best coverage while managing their risk. To get more information on cyber insurance or a referral to a cyber insurance provider email
  • Insurance companies, and soon suppliers and customers, are now asking for proof that your system is protected from cyberattack. By doing security awareness training and using monitoring software in your network you can significantly reduce your risk, thereby reducing the risk to your cyber insurer. This can result in lower premiums and higher coverage. Not to mention a much more secure and stable environment for your business!
  • There is a duty to report when you have been breached and personal information has been impacted. This is a complex area as it continues to evolve as new threats are posed and as legislation changes. We can help work through the when and how with all the updated information you need.
  • Organizations subject to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) are required to:
    • report to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada breaches of security safeguards involving personal information that pose a real risk of significant harm to individuals
    • notify affected individuals about those breaches, and
    • keep records of all breaches.
  • For more information regarding reporting a breach email